Dallas Comedy House Pro:
Identity, Print, Web

DCH Pro is the professional development arm of Dallas Comedy House: a hilarious Dallas-Fort Worth theatre. The Pro offerings aim to improve workplace synergy and creative problem-solving by teaching the core principle of improv: saying “yes, and” to add to your partner’s ideas. We built the brand identity around this encouraging tenet, infusing information with lightness and fun.

Client: Dallas Comedy House.
Art Direction: Amanda Austin.
Design Scope: Logo System, Branding, Marketing Materials, Website.


Logo Design

The DCH Pro identity system (right) compliments the existing theatre logo (left) in style. However, while the theatre logo conveys dialogue, the DCH Pro logo emphasizes a transformation within the participant’s mind. This change occurs when we open ourselves up to play and creative collaboration beyond the stage, and in the workplace.



Professionals interested in improv are looking for ways to connect with their creative selves. Thus, I wanted the brochure to emphasize the imaginative individual. Squiggles follow the reader throughout the book, representing the freeing of ideas. On the cover, doodles adorn the head icons to emphasize inclusivity and playfulness.



DCH Pro’s site continues the conversation started in the brochure, but adds some new visuals and blog updates into the mix. To encourage action from the reader, I added a Connect segment to the bottom of most pages. You can visit the website at dallascomedypro.com.